A single purpose design may be quite inefficient for handling a real-life problem. Therefore, we often need to incorporate more than one design criterion and a common approach is simply to construct a weighted average, which may depend upon different information matrices. Designs based upon this method have been termed compound designs. The need to satisfy more than one design criterion is particularly relevant in the context of random fields. It is evident that for precise universal kriging it is important not only to efficiently estimate the spatial trend parameters, but also the parameters of the variogram or covariance function. Both tasks could for instance be comprised by applying corresponding design criteria and constructing a compound design from there. Modern techniques for such first and second order characteristics will be suggested and reviewed in the presentation. A new hybrid stochastic exchange type optimization algorithm is proposed and an illustrating example of the design of a water-quality monitoring network is provided. COMPOUND OPTIMAL SPATIAL DESIGNS 355 Case 1. We are interested only in the trend parameters β and consider θ as known or a nuisance. Case 2. We are interested only in the covariance parameters θ. Case 3. We are interested in both sets of parameters. periment. In the following, we will define optimality of a design always strictly in the tradition of Kiefer (see e.g. Kiefer, 1959), where the inputs are selected such, that a prespecified design criterion (e.g. the determinant of the trend parameters variance-covariance matrix, so-called D-optimality) is optimized. The classic Fisher information M(β) = E[(∂ ln f (x, β))/∂β) 2 ], which is the basis for We also use now the notation [C(ξ)] ii = c(x i , x i ; θ) to emphasize the dependence of C on the design, and we assume knowledge of θ.Again all the entries can be condensed to a design criterion . If we now want to determine a Doptimal design for the whole parameter set, we can obviously-due to the orthogonality of the first and second order parameters-simply use the product of the respective determinants as an optimum design