For scattering off a smooth, strictly convex obstacle Ω ⊂ R d with positive curvature, we show that the eigenvalues of the scattering matrix -the phase shifts -equidistribute on the unit circle as the frequency k → ∞ at a rate proportional to k d−1 , under a standard condition on the set of closed orbits of the billiard map in the interior. Indeed, in any sector S ⊂ S 1 not containing 1, there are c d |S|Vol(∂Ω) k d−1 + o(k d−1 ) eigenvalues for k large, where c d is a constant depending only on the dimension. Using this result, the two term asymptotic expansion for the counting function of Dirichlet eigenvalues, and a spectral-duality result of Eckmann-Pillet, we then give an alternative proof of the two term asymptotic of the total scattering phase due to Majda-Ralston [MR78].