“…Equation (5) represents the completely general and formally exact solution of the dynamics, exhibiting the usual symmetry properties of quantum mechanics under time inversion. Moreover, the right hand side is a quasi-periodic function of t, giving rise to the well-known quantum revival effects [8]: A t á ñ r ( ) must return very close to A 0 á ñ r ( ) for certain, very rare times t. The problem of equilibration amounts to the question whether, in which sense, and under what conditions the expectation value (5) approaches some constant (time-independent) value for large t. Unless this expectation value is constant right from the beginning, which is not the case under generic (non-equilibrium) circumstances, the above mentioned revivals immediately exclude equilibration in the strict sense that (5) converges towards some well defined limit for t ¥.On the other hand, 'practical equilibration' in the sense that (5) becomes virtually indistinguishable from a constant value for the overwhelming majority of all sufficiently large t has been demonstrated, for instance, in [9][10][11][12][13] under quite weak conditions on H, ρ(0), and A. In particular, equilibration in this sense still admits transient initial relaxation processes and is compatible with the above mentioned time inversion symmetry and quantum revival properties.…”