The first part of this work is devoted to the location of defects in a coated bar and the identification of their geometrical parameters. Using the methods of finite element modeling, ultrasonic non-destructive testing and machine learning technologies (artificial neural networks), the inverse problem of mechanics has been solved. A finite element model of ultrasonic wave propagation in a bar with a coating and an internal defect is constructed. Compared with previous works, the model used PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) structures, which suppress multiple reflections of the probe ultrasound pulse inside the bar and prevent signal noise. Based on the conducted numerical calculations of the finite element model, a data set was constructed. It contains the geometrical parameters of the defect and the corresponding amplitude-time characteristic of the ultrasonic signal. The architecture of a direct propagation neural network has been developed. The neural network was trained on the basis of previously processed data. As a result, on the basis of ultrasound data obtained from the outer surface of the bar, it is possible to restore the values of such defect parameters as depth, length and thickness. At the second stage, analytical-numerical technology for studying the stress intensity factor (SIF) at the crack tip is described using the example of the problem of a longitudinal internal crack of finite length located in an elastic strip reinforced with a thin flexible coating. The solution to this problem is based on the method of integral transformations, which made it possible to reduce it to a singular integral equation of the first kind with a Cauchy kernel, which is solved by the collocation method in the form of expansion in Chebyshev polynomials with a factor that explicitly takes into account a feature in the vicinity of the crack vertices. The latter allows you to directly find the SIF and evaluate the effect on it of various combinations of geometric and physical parameters of the problem.