Vapor and llquld equilibrium phase compositions have been determined for the toluene-hydrogen sulflde and n-heptane-hydrogen sulflde binary systems at temperatures of 100.0!, 175.0, 250.0, and 400.0 O F at several pressures between the vapor pressure of the hydrocarbon component and the vapor pressure of hydrogen sulflde or thtr critical pressure for the system, whichever was higher. Refractive Index measurements were made on the equilibrium vapor and llquid phases for the hydrogen sulfide-m-heptane system at the three lower temperatures. These measurements were used with the phase composition data to calculate the equlllbrlum phase densltles using the Lorentr-Loren2 molar refractivity relationship.The solublllties of sulfur dioxide In water-acetonitrile solutions were determined at 25 and 50 OC and total pressure of 101.3 kPa. The solubilities are expressed In grams of sulfur dioxide dissolved/100 g of solute gas-free solution. At 25 OC two phases are observed when the overall composition lies between 20 and 80 wt % acetonitrile. The composition of each phase remains constant but the fraction of each phase Is altered as the overall composltlon changes. Above 40 OC only one phase is observed for i:he entire composition range.