This paper documents that GDP, wages and dividends are co-integrated but feature term-structures of risk respectively flat, increasing and decreasing. Income insurance within the firm from shareholders to workers explains those term-structures: distributional risk smooths wages and enhances the short-run risk of dividends. A simple general equilibrium model, where labor rigidity a ects dividend dynamics and the price of short-run risk, reconciles standard asset pricing facts with the term-structures of equity premium and volatility and those of macroeconomic variables, at odds in leading models.Income insurance also helps to explain dividend growth predictability, cross-sectional value premia, counter-cyclical Sharpe-ratios, and interest rates term-premia.Keywords. term structure of equity • income insurance • dividend strips • distributional risk • equilibrium asset pricing JEL Classification. D53 • E24 • E32 • G12 * An earlier version of this paper was circulated under the title "Labor Relations, Endogenous Dividends and the Equilibrium Term Structure of Equity." I would like to thank my supervisor Michael Rockinger and the members of my Ph.D. committee (Swiss Finance Institute) Philippe Bacchetta, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Bernard Dumas and Lukas Schmid for stimulating conversations and many insightful comments and advices. I would also like to acknowledge comments from Michela Altieri,