The Boussinesq problem, which describes quasi-static indentation of a rigid punch into a deformable body, is studied within the context of nonlinear constitutive equations. By this, the material response expresses the linearized strain in terms of the stress and cannot be inverted in general. A contact area between the punch and the body is unknown
a priori
, whereas the total contact force is prescribed and yields a non-local integral condition. Consequently, the unilateral indentation problem is stated as a quasi-variational inequality for unknown variables of displacement, stress and indentation depth. The Lagrange multiplier approach is applied in order to establish well-posedness to the underlying physically and geometrically nonlinear problem based on augmented penalty regularization and applying the minimax theorem of Ekeland and Témam. A sufficient solvability condition implies response functions that are bounded, hemi-continuous, coercive and obey a convex potential. A typical example is power-law hardening models for titanium alloys, Norton–Hoff and Ramberg–Osgood materials.
This article is part of the theme issue ‘Non-smooth variational problems and applications’.