We study risk-sharing economies where heterogenous agents trade subject to quadratic transaction costs. The corresponding equilibrium asset prices and trading strategies are characterised by a system of nonlinear, fully-coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations. We show that a unique solution generally exists provided that the agents' preferences are sufficiently similar. In a benchmark specification with linear state dynamics, the illiquidity discounts and liquidity premia observed empirically correspond to a positive relationship between transaction costs and volatility.Mathematics Subject Classification: (2010) 91G10, 91G80, 60H10.JEL Classification: C68, D52, G11, G12.between the effects of transaction costs on asset prices, expected returns, and volatilities. To wit, the "liquidity discount" of asset prices compared to their frictionless counterparts, the "liquidity premia" that distinguish their expected returns, and the adjustment of the corresponding volatilities all have the same sign in our model, determined by the difference of the agents' risk aversion parameters. In the empirically relevant case of positive illiquidity discounts and liquidity premia [3,9,44], our model predicts a positive relation between transaction costs and volatility, corroborating empirical evidence of [49,30,27], numerical results of [1,12], and findings in a risk-neutral model with asymmetric information [15]. In addition to these systematic shifts, transaction costs also endogenously lead to mean-reverting expected returns as in the reduced-form models of [33,16,40,23]: for illiquid assets, supply-demand imbalances do not offset immediately but only gradually, thereby leading to partially predictable returns.Without transaction costs, the equilibrium dynamics of the risky asset are determined by a scalar purely quadratic BSDE in our model, which leads to explicit formulas in concrete examples. With quadratic transaction costs on the agents' trading rates, we show that the corresponding equilibria are characterised by fully-coupled systems of FBSDEs. To wit, the optimal risky positions evolve forward from the given initial allocations. In contrast, the corresponding trading rates controlling these positions need to be determined from their zero terminal values -near the terminal time, trading stops since additional trades can no longer earn back the costs that would need to be paid to implement them. If a constant volatility is given exogenously as in [8], then these forward-backward dynamics suffice to pin down the equilibrium returns. In this case, the FBSDEs are linear, and therefore can be solved explicitly in terms of Riccati equations and conditional expectations of the endowment processes [24,6]. In the present context, where the volatility is determined endogenously from the terminal condition for the risky asset, the corresponding FBSDEs are coupled to an additional backward equation arising from this extra constraint. Due to the quadratic preferences and trading costs, the resulting forward-backward ...