In the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) and related mixed p-spin models, there is interest in understanding replica symmetry breaking at low temperatures. For this reason, the so-called AT line proposed by de Almeida and Thouless as a sufficient (and conjecturally necessary) condition for symmetry breaking, has been a frequent object of study in spin glass theory. In this paper, we consider the analogous condition for the multi-species SK model, which concerns the eigenvectors of a Hessian matrix. The analysis is tractable in the two-species case with positive definite variance structure, for which we derive an explicit AT temperature threshold. To our knowledge, this is the first nonasymptotic symmetry breaking condition produced for a multi-species spin glass. As possible evidence that the condition is sharp, we draw further parallel with the classical SK model and show coincidence with a separate temperature inequality guaranteeing uniqueness of the replica symmetric critical point.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60K35, 82B26, 82B44.