“…In the mean-field approximation, certain operatorsÔ i (i = 1, 2, · · · ) are described byÔ i = Ô i + δÔ i and the quadratic terms δÔ i δÔ j are neglected in the Hamiltonians. By takingÔ i ∈ {â k ,ĉ † 2,kĉ 1,k ,ĉ † 1,kĉ 1,k ,ĉ † 2,kĉ 2,k }, with definitions â k ≡ δ k,0 a 0 , ĉ † 2,kĉ 1,k ≡ δ k,k p k , and ĉ † α,kĉ α,k ≡ δ k,k n α,k , we obtain the mean-field Hamil- Here, ∆ k ≡ g * a 0 + k U k −k p k is the generalized Rabi frequency describing the effect of forming the e-h pairs 65,94,101 andξ α,k ≡ ξ α,k + Σ BGR α,k denotes the singleparticle energy renormalized by the Coulomb interaction Σ BGR α,k ≡ − k U k −k n α,k , which includes the bandgap renormalization (BGR) in semiconductor physics. In Eq.…”