Section 1Clinical history and physical examination A 430-kg 15-year-old Australian Stockhorse mare was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Centre (VCC), Charles Sturt University, for investigation of a 6-week history of clinical signs of respiratory disease and weight loss and no response to administration of systemic antimicrobials. Clinical signs included coughing on exertion and increased rate and effort of respiration. Clinicopathological abnormalities detected by the referring veterinarian included anaemia and hyperfibrinogenaemia.On presentation to the VCC, the mare was lethargic and had a rectal temperature of 39.8°C. Wheezes and crackles were audible over the left and right hemithoraces. The mare was tachypnoeic with increased respiratory effort, especially during inspiration. Distal limbs were oedematous, and the mare was moderately thin (body condition score 4/9).
Ancillary testsA complete blood count and blood biochemistry revealed a mild to moderate anaemia (packed cell volume (PCV) 0.20L/L, reference range 0.32-0.52 L/L), a mild left shift with normal neutrophil number (segmented neutrophils 4.8 × 10 9 /L, band neutrophils 0.3 × 10 9 /L, reference range 2.5-8.0 × 10 9 /L and 0.0-0.2 × 10 9 /L respectively), a moderate to marked hyperfibrinogenaemia (10 g/L, reference range 0-4 g/L) and a mild hypoalbuminaemia (24 g/L, reference range 28-38 g/L). A transendoscopic tracheal wash (TW) was performed and cytological examination of the obtained sample showed 85% neutrophils (reference range <20%) and small to moderate numbers of Curschmann's spirals. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed a partial pressure of oxygen of 71 mmHg (normal >98 mmHg) and oxygen saturation of 94% (normal >95%).