The presen ce of limited a moun ts of wa~e r a l?pears t o improve t he quali ty of .anhJ:d ro us oxalic a cid single crystals grow n fro m acetic aC id solutions. Wate r co nce ntratIO ns 111 the sa t urated solutio ns which allow crystallization of the a nhydrous acid have bee n determined from t he ph ase study of th is ter nary system. Ncar 50°C t he a nhydro us acid crystalli zes from solu t ions con taining up to 5.2 weight perce nt watcr , while the dih ydrate appears when water is in excess of t his amou nt.The p hase diagram shows a minimum con te nt of oxalic ac iel in solu t ion at a sol vent co mposit ion ncar 83 p ercen t acetic ac id , 17 pe rcen t \\·ate!". The solubility increases " 'ith in creased acetic aciel to t he isothermal in variant point, fou n d experi me ntall y at a meas ured tem perature of 50.21 °C to have the co mposit ion 20. 94 pe rce nt oxalic acid, 73.89 percent acet ic ac id, 5.17 percent water. Decreas in & sol ubili ty occ urs .at ~i g her acetic acid co . nc~n trations . T he maximu m water content whi ch allows crystallizatIOn of a nhy drous aCid Increases wit h in creasing crystalli zatio n temperat ure. The solu bility of oxalic acid in acetic acid /water m ixtures at 40° an d 50°C is r epo rted.