The science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research enterprise is slow to change (Behl et al., 2021;Morris, 2021), and as suggested by Marín-Spiotta et al. (2020), change will require reexamination of current policies, programs, and processes. Committees influence policies, personnel, funding, and as such, committee members serve as "gatekeepers," which deserves special attention in the Earth and space sciences. When members and/or entire committees work without interrogation of their values, ideas and perspectives, exclusionary practices and behaviors persist. Committees in the STEM enterprise have different goals and charters, and engage in the act of gatekeeping. Naturally the scope of the gatekeeping role varies widely because committee duties vary widely, and they are embedded in larger institutional and social systems.We, the Coastal and Ocean STEM Equity Alliance, propose a "regenerative gatekeeping" framework that integrates belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and recasts gatekeepers as stewards rather than sentinels. We would like to imagine gatekeeping as more than a system that controls or limits access but rather as a process that cultivates "stewards of innovation" or "agents of change." As implied by its definition, regeneration alludes to frameworks that foster renewal, dismantling barriers (Berhe et al., 2021) and maximizing opportunities, and advancing beyond the current state. Regenerative gatekeeping has three components: self-assessing committees and their policies and practices, asking critical questions, and engaging in generative conflict. By "regenerative gatekeeping," we join others who propose recent qualifiers in other arenas in the United States, for example, restorative justice, transformative resilience, transformative justice (Kaba et al., 2018), generative conflict (Anderson, 2021), and emergent strategy/emergent design (Brown, 2017). This new framework will move us closer to the intentionality, accountability (Anderson, 2021), and clarity required to transform the STEM research enterprise. Given the foundational nature of committee service to the STEM research enterprise, we believe that embracing this new framework holds great untapped potential.