“…In the benchmarks, the generalized disutility perceived by a user sharing a given location was the sum of three distances from the user's location to the three nearest vehicle locations. The suffixes BG and BGh denote bisection approaches, where the IP-solver solves the optimization problem for a fixed value G t at each step t. The denotation BG corresponds to the models (18), (3)-(6), (8), (9), (19) or (23), (12), (13), (15), (16), (24), while the denotation BGh is used for the models (20), (3)- (6), (8), (9), (21), (22) or (25), (12), (13), (15), (16), (26), (22) depending on location-allocation or radial formulations. To solve the problems described by the mentioned models, optimization software FICO Xpress 7.3 (64-bit, release 2012) was used and the experiments were run on a PC equipped with the Intel® Core™ i7 3610 QM processor, at 2.3 GHz and with 8 GB RAM.…”