A semiring variety is d-semisimple if it is generated by the distributive
lattice of order two and a finite number of finite fields. A d-semisimple
variety V = HSP{B2, F1,..., Fk} plays the main role in this paper. It will be
proved that it is finitely based, and that, up to isomorphism, the
two-element distributive lattice B2 and all subfields of F1,..., Fk are the
only subdirectly irreducible members in it. [The first author is supported by
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant 2011M501466 and the Natural
Science Foundation of Shannxi Province, Grant 2011JQ1017. The second authoris
Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
of Serbia,Grant 174018. The third author is Supported by the Ministry of
Education, Science and TechnologicalDevelopment of Serbia, Grant 174026]