In this paper, we study the problem of robust stabilization for linear differential systems in the behavioral framework. We study the existence of controllers that regularly stabilize all plants in a given neighborhood around a certain nominal plant. We call such controllers robustly stabilizing controllers. This problem was studied in the behavioral framework by Trentelman, H.L et al. In contrast to their work, however, in the present paper, we study the problem considering neighborhoods that are defined entirely representation free. These neighborhoods are induced by different kinds of concepts of distance between behaviors. As one of our main results we obtain that a given controller regularly stabilizes all plants in one of these neighborhoods if and only if it regularly stabilizes all plants in all of the other neighborhoods.if G D P 1 Q is a left coprime factorization of G over ROE . Representations of B as in (4) are called rational image representations. For more details on rational image representations, we refer the reader to [15,17,18]. The number of columns of G in any rational image representation of B, with G full column rank, is equal to m.B/. The number of rows of Q G in rational kernel representation of B, with Q G full row rank, is equal to p.B/.
DISTANCE BETWEEN BEHAVIORSIn this section, we review the relevant material on the notion of distance between behaviors. We refer to [15] for a more detailed treatment of this subject.