For a quasi-Hopf algebra H, a left H-comodule algebra B and a right H-module coalgebra C we will characterize the category of Doi-Hopf modules C M(H) B in terms of modules. We will also show that for an Hbicomodule algebra A and an H-bimodule coalgebra C the category of generalized Yetter-Drinfeld modules A YD(H) C is isomorphic to a certain category of Doi-Hopf modules. Using this isomorphism we will transport the properties from the category of Doi-Hopf modules to the category of generalized Yetter-Drinfeld modules.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16W30. He would like to thank Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and University of Almeria (Spain) for their warm hospitality.Using the first isomorphism, we will characterize A YD(H) C as a category of comodules over a coring. In Section 3.3, we will characterize the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules as a category of modules.A 2 M(H op ⊗ H) C . It will follow from Proposition 3.4 that these two categories are isomorphic.
Proposition 3.4. Let H be a quasi-bialgebra, C a left H-module coalgebra andProof. If A 1 and A 2 are twist equivalent, then there exists V ∈ A ⊗ H satisfying (1.22-1.24). Take M ∈ A 1 M(H) C ; M becomes an object in A 2 M(H) C by keeping the same left A-module structure and defining ρ ′ M : M → M ⊗ C, ρ ′ (m) = V · ρ M (m). Conversely, take M ∈ A 2 M(H) C via the structures · and ρ ′ M . Then M can be viewed as a left-right (H, A 1 , C)-Hopf module via the same left A-action · and the right C-coaction ρ M defined by ρ M : M → M ⊗ C, ρ M (m) = V −1 · ρ ′ M (m).