For testing the correctness of SQL queries, e.g., evaluating student submissions in a database course, a standard practice is to execute the query in question on some test database instance and compare its result with that of the correct query. Given two queries Q1 and Q2, we say that a database instance D is a counterexample (for Q1 and Q2) if Q1(D) differs from Q2(D); such a counterexample can serve as an explanation of why Q1 and Q2 are not equivalent. While the test database instance may serve as a counterexample, it may be too large or complex to read and understand where the inequivalence comes from. Therefore, in this paper, given a known counterexample D for Q1 and Q2, we aim to find the smallest counterexample D′ ⊆ D where Q1(D′) ≠ Q2(D′). The problem in general is NP-hard. We give a suite of algorithms for finding the smallest counterexample for different classes of queries, some more tractable than others. We also present an efficient provenance-based algorithm for SPJUD queries that uses a constraint solver, and extend it to more complex queries with aggregation, group-by, and nested queries. We perform extensive experiments indicating the effectiveness and scalability of our solution on student queries from an undergraduate database course and on queries from the TPC-H benchmark. We also report a user study from the course where we deployed our tool to help students with an assignment on relational algebra.