EditorialLogics, Types and Rewriting have existed for centuries (cf. [9]). The 20th century however, has given birth to new theories of logic, types and rewriting which played and continue to play a major role in all aspects of computation. The more and more computer technology dominates our lives, the more logic, types and rewriting become fundamental to this technology. In particular, methods of how best to combine, represent and implement calculi of logic, types and rewriting become vital for making these calculi useful in practice. It is already known that the areas of logic, types and rewriting converge (cf.[9]). Heyting [7], Kolmogorov [11], Curry and Feys [5] (improved by Howard [8]), and de Bruijn [10], all observed the "propositions as types" or "proofs as terms" (PAT) correspondence. In PAT, logical operators are embedded in the types of λ-terms rather than in the propositions and λ-terms are viewed as proofs of the propositions represented by their types. Advantages of PAT include the ability to manipulate proofs, easier support for independent proof checking, the possibility of the extraction of computer programs from proofs, and the ability to prove properties of the logic via the termination of the rewriting system. However, many useful computational systems are not based on the PAT principle. This volume contains three papers on variants of logics, types and rewriting as follows:1570-8683/$ -see front matter