This paper presents a large investigation on the microwave properties of a high;Tc YBaiCuO superconducting thin film and, for the first time, meets in a global and comparative approach determination of the complex Conductivity cr-from a transmission measurement, experimental study on linear mmicrostrip resonators and Spectral Domain Approach (SDA) baWEd computations of quality factors and resonance frequencies.Sample characteristics The high Tc superconducting thin film (3.000A) considered in this study was deposited by pulsed laser ablation technique [1] on MgO substrate (250pm). X-ray diffraction analysis performed on the sample revealed a predominantly c-axis orientation of the film and the DC transition temperature (Tc,R=OtTcJC was 87K.Measurement of the complex conductivity The sample has been characterized with a transmission measurement's technique [2][3]. The sample is clamped between two rectangular waveguides working in the 18-26 GHz frequency range and the microwave power transmitted through the film and the substrate is determined. The measurements of the amplitude Tr and the phase + of the S21 transmitted coefficient were carried out betwetn 3OQK and 30K With-a HPS51OB network analyser coupled to,a liquid helium cryostat. From t and + (figure 1), it is possible to extract, without the help of any ph&omenological model, the complex conductivity a*=a1Ijcr2 (figure 2). The calculation takes into account the multiple reflections in the substrate.