We consider Fraïssé structures whose objects have finite big Ramsey degree and ask what consequences this has for the dynamics of the automorphism group. Motivated by a theorem of D. Devlin about the partition properties of the rationals, we define the notion of a big Ramsey structure, a single structure which codes the big Ramsey degrees of a given Fraïssé structure. This in turn leads to the definition of a completion flow ; we show that if a Fraïssé structure admits a big Ramsey structure, then the automorphism group admits a unique universal completion flow. We also discuss the problem of when big Ramsey structures exist and explore connections to the notion of oscillation stability defined by Kechris, Pestov, and Todorčević [10].
Introduction, main definitions, and statements of theoremsConsider the statement of Ramsey's theorem: for every k, r < ω, we have ω → (ω) k r This "arrow notation" is shorthand for the following statement: for any coloring γ :[ω] k → r, there is an infinite S ⊆ ω so that |γ"([S] k )| = 1. We often say that S is monochromatic for γ. Ramsey's theorem can be generalized in many directions. Erdős and Rado [4] considered coloring finite tuples from larger cardinals while demanding larger monochromatic sets. Galvin and Prikry [7], and later Ellentuck [3], considered suitably definable colorings of the infinite subsets of ω. The generalization that we will consider in this paper is that of structural Ramsey theory. As a warmup, we will consider the structure Q, ≤ of rationals and their linear order. In what follows we will just write Q. Let us call a subset S ⊆ Q a dense linear order, or DLO for short, if the ordering on S inherited from Q is dense and contains no maximum or 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 22F50; Secondary: 03C15, 03E02, 03E75, 05D10, 37B20, 54D80, 54H20.