ERA Acute is a model for environmental risk assessment of acute discharges. The calculations follow a common framework for all environmental compartments, whilst maintaining the mechanistic integrity of each compartment and/or VEC group, by using compartment-specific inputs of oil exposure and VEC-specific geographical distribution, vulnerability and recovery-defining parameters/functions. The method allows for using three different levels of detailing in VEC in the exposure and impact calculations. For the highest level of detail, a second step calculates recovery times in three time-factors, as well as the ERA Acute-specific RDF which combines the extent of impact and recovery. The continuous functions of impact and recovery calculations are presented in this chapter, separately for all four compartments. All data are calculated in grid cells, facilitating the use of GIS for viewing inputs and results. The methodology adds up impacts from grid cells to populations, and calculates result statistics from single simulations to scenarios, to multi-scenario DSHAs and cases.