A set A t-intersects a set B if A and B have at least t common elements. Families A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A k of sets are cross-t-intersecting if, for every i and j in {1, 2, . . . , k} with i = j, each set in A i t-intersects each set in A j . An active problem in extremal set theory is to determine, for a given finite family F, the structure of k cross-t-intersecting subfamilies whose sum or product of sizes is maximum. For a family H, the r-th level H (r) of H is the family of all sets in H of size r, and, for s ≤ r, H (s) is called a (≤ r)-level of H. We solve the problem for any union F of (≤ r)-levels of any union H of power sets of sets of size at least a certain integer n 0 , where n 0 is independent of H and k but depends on r and t (dependence on r is inevitable, but dependence on t can be avoided). Our primary result asserts that there are only two possible optimal configurations for the sum. A special case was conjectured by Kamat in 2011. We also prove generalizations, whereby A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A k are not necessarily contained in the same union of levels. Various Erdős-Ko-Rado-type results follow. The sum problem for a level of a power set was solved for t = 1 by Hilton in 1977, and for any t by Wang and Zhang in 2011.