Feature detection in biomedical signals is crucial for deepening our knowledge about the involved physiological processes. To achieve this aim, many analytic approaches can be applied but only few are able to deal with signals whose time dependent features provide useful clinical information. Among the biomedical signals, the electroretinogram (ERG), that records the retinal response to a light flash, can improve our comprehension of the complex photoreceptoral activities. The present study is focused on the analysis of the early response of the photoreceptoral human system, known as a-wave ERG-component. This wave reflects the functional integrity of the photoreceptors, rods and cones, whose activation dynamics are not yet completely understood. Moreover, since in incipient photoreceptoral pathologies eventual anomalies in a-wave are not always detectable with a "naked eye" analysis of the traces, the possibility to discriminate pathologic from healthy traces, by means of appropriate analytical techniques, could help in clinical diagnosis. In the present paper, we discuss and compare the efficiency of various techniques of signal processing, such as Fourier analysis (FA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Wavelet Analysis (WA) in recognising pathological traces from the healthy ones. The investigated retinal pathologies are Achromatopsia, a cone disease and Congenital Stationary Night Blindness, affecting the photoreceptoral signal transmission. Our findings prove that both PCA and FA of conventional ERGs, don't add clinical information useful for the diagnosis of ocular pathologies, whereas the use of a more sophisticated analysis, based on the wavelet transform, provides a powerful tool for routine clinical examinations of patients.