In this paper, we study various new Hawkes processes. Specifically, we construct general compound Hawkes processes and investigate their properties in limit order books. With regards to these general compound Hawkes processes, we prove a Law of Large Numbers (LLN) and a Functional Central Limit Theorems (FCLT) for several specific variations. We apply several of these FCLTs to limit order books to study the link between price volatility and order flow, where the volatility in mid-price changes is expressed in terms of parameters describing the arrival rates and mid-price process.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.
ANATOLIY SWISHCHUK AND AIDEN HUFFMANtype of point process in the context of market microstructure is the autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) model introduced by Engel et al. (1998) [19].A recent application of HP is in financial analysis, in particular limit order books. In this paper, we study various new Hawkes processes, namely general compound Hawkes processes to model the price process in limit order books. We prove a Law of Larges Numbers (LLN) and a Function Central Limit Theorem (FCLT) for specific cases of these processes. Several of these FCLTs are applied to limit order books where we use asymptotic methods to study the link between price volatility and order flow in our models. The volatility of the price changes is expressed in terms of parameters describing the arrival rates and price changes. We also present some numerical examples. The general compound Hawkes process was first introduced in [40] to model the risk process in insurance and studied in detail in [41]. In the paper [43] we obtained functional CLTs and LLNs for general compound Hawkes processes with dependent orders and regime-switching compound Hawkes processes.Bowsher (2007) [6] was the first one who applied the HP to financial data modelling. Cartea et al. (2011) [9] applied HP to model market order arrivals. Filimonov and Sornette (2012) [25] and Filimonov et al. (2013) [26] applied the HPs to estimate the percentage of price changes caused by endogenous self-generated activity rather than by the exogenous impact of news or novel information. Bauwens and Hautsch (2009) [7] used a five dimensional HP to estimate multivariate volatility between five stocks, based on price intensities. Hewlett (2006) [29] used the instantaneous jump in the intensity caused by the occurrence of an event to qualify the market impact of that event, taking into account the cascading effect of secondary events causing further events. Hewlett (2006) [29] also used the Hawkes model to derive optimal pricing strategies for market makers and optimal trading strategies for investors given that the rational market makers have the historic trading data. Large (2007) [32] applied a Hawkes model for the purpose of investigating market impact, with a specific interest in order book resiliency. Specifically, he considered limit orders, market orders and cancellations on both the buy and sell side, and furt...