present a thermodynamic analysis of the activation barrier for
reactions which can be monitored through the difference in the energies
of reactants and products defined as the reaction coordinate (electron
and atom transfer, enzyme catalysis, etc.). The free-energy surfaces
along the reaction coordinate are separated into the enthalpy and
entropy surfaces. For the Gaussian statistics of the reaction coordinate,
the free-energy surfaces are parabolas, and the entropy surface is
an inverted parabola. Its maximum coincides with the transition state
for reactions with zero value of the reaction free energy. Maximum
entropic depression of the activation barrier, anticipated by the
concept of transition-state ensembles, can be achieved for such reactions.
From Onsager’s reversibility, the entropy of equilibrium fluctuations
encodes the entropic component of the activation barrier. The reorganization
entropy thus becomes the critical parameter of the theory reducing
the problem of activation entropy to the problem of reorganization
entropy. Standard solvation theories do not allow reorganization entropy
sufficient for the barrier depression. Complex media, characterized
by many relaxation processes, need to be involved. Proteins provide
several routes for achieving large entropic effects through incomplete
(nonergodic) sampling of the complex energy landscape and by facilitating
an active role of water in the reaction mechanism.