Cavernous h e m a n g i o m a of the base of the skull is a rare condition, even among the relatively unc o m m o n cranial hemangiomas. T h e subject has been reviewed b y Courville et al., 1 Wyke, ~~ Kleinsasser a n d Albrecht, ~ Kleinsasser 5 a n d Gerlach a n d Simon. ~ I n t r a c r a n i a l complications are unusual t h o u g h Politzer 7 described a case in which the t u m o r led to d e a t h without operation. Kessler et al. 4 reported the case of a n 8-year-old girl in whom fatal epidural bleeding occurred from a cavernous h e m a n g i o m a of the petrous bone. Graf 3 reported a case in which there was fatal hemorrhage into the 4th ventricle. T h e following case has unique features and the t u m o r reported is one of the few large hemangiomas successfully treated surgically.