The software DISEMM is designed to analyse diffraction data from in situ loading experiments on polycrystalline samples for the determination of single-crystal elastic constants (SECs) and elasto-plastic self-consistent (EPSC) modelling of lattice strains. The SECs can be obtained from powder-diffraction elastic constants using a variety of grain-to-grain interaction models, namely Voigt, Reuss, Hill, Kröner, de Wit and Matthies approaches. The texture of the polycrystalline sample can be taken into account using the orientation distribution function of the grains. For the analysis of two-phase materials, an approach was implemented to calculate the stress transfer between the phases and its impact on the apparent elastic properties. The calculated SECs can then be used as input into the EPSC model, which allows the user to predict the elasto-plastic behaviour for comparison with experimental lattice strain data and to investigate the activation of individual slip systems. For this purpose, critical resolved shear stresses and hardening parameters are adapted iteratively.