Debris flows are water-laden masses of soil and rock, which are common geological hazards in mountainous regions worldwide (Iverson, 1997). Over the past decades the occurrence and hazardous effects of debris flows have increased as a result of population expansion in mountainous regions, climate change, severe wildfires, and earthquakes (Cannon & DeGraff, 2009;Stoffel et al., 2014). The magnitude of debris flows can increase substantially by basal and bank erosion while it traverses from initiation zone to valley floor (Frank et al., 2015) resulting in an increase in casualties and property loss (Dowling & Santi, 2014). In addition, debris flows are increasingly recognised as one of the fundamental physical processes that transport sediment and erode bedrock in mountainous topography (McCoy, 2015;Stock and Dietrich, 2003). However, limited understanding of the processes that control debris-flow erosion currently hampers (a) accurate estimation of debris-flow magnitude and effective hazard mitigation (De Haas et al., 2020;Dietrich & Krautblatter, 2019) and (b) understanding and modeling of landscape evolution (Penserini et al., 2017; Tucker & Hancock, 2010).Observations show that erosion volumes may strongly vary between debris-flow events: some flows increase >50 times their initial volume (Hungr et al., 2005), while others barely increase in size (Santi et al., 2008), and we currently lack the means to explain these contrasting pathways of development. Understanding debris-flow erosion is notoriously complicated for a number of reasons: (a) debris flows are complex hybrids between a fluid flow and a moving mass of colliding particles that may vary greatly in composition, such that both shear and