Aim and research methodology 2 Conceptual demarcation: SSG and the SDGs 3 The Sustainable Development Goals 3 Security Sector Governance 5 Locating the role of parliaments 6 Parliaments, democracy and ensuring accountability 6 Linking parliaments, SSG and SDG16 7 Conclusion 9 Chapter 2: Parliaments and SSG-Contributing to Stability for Sustainable Development 11
SSR PapersThe DCAF SSR Papers provide original, innovative and provocative analysis on the challenges of security sector governance and reform. Combining theoretical insight with detailed empirically driven explorations of state-of-the-art themes, SSR Papers bridge conceptual and pragmatic concerns. Authored, edited and peer reviewed by SSR experts, the series provides a unique platform for in-depth discussion of a governance-driven reform agenda, addressing the overlapping interests of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the fields of development, peace and security. DCAF, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance is dedicated to improving the security of states and their people within a framework of democratic governance, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and gender equality. Since its founding in 2000, DCAF has contributed to making peace and development more sustainable by assisting partner states, and international actors supporting these states, to improve the governance of their security sector through inclusive and participatory reforms. It creates innovative knowledge products, promotes norms and good practices, provides legal and policy advice and supports capacity-building of both state and non-state security sector stakeholders.