Kaye et al. (1995, Wear, 186-187, 413-420) conducted an experimental investigation of the cleaning of thin soil layers by water jets generated from stationary nozzles of diameter 0.25-2 35 mm and velocities ranging from 6-40 m s -1 . The soil layers were prepared by drying a commercial cleaning suspension on polymethylmethacrylate plates. Several of their data sets have been re-analysed and are shown to fit the 'strong soil' model for cleaning by peeling reported by Bhagat et al. (2017, Food Bioproduct Proc., 102, 31-54). The model is demonstrated to be able to explain the trends in cleaning efficiency observed by Kaye et al. 40 quantitatively, including the transition in efficiency observed at longer times. Kaye et al. also investigated the case of cleaning by a moving nozzle for one set of jet conditions, and reported an increase in cleared area with nozzle velocity. This behaviour is not predicted for the 'strong soil' and the model was modified to incorporate a contribution from the milling action of the jet in its impingent zone. This 'very strong soil' result gave good agreement with the data for 45 the area cleared and the shape of the cleared region.
NomenclatureRoman 50 a Radius of cleaned area, [m] ai Radius when cleaning front is first seen, [m] ai* Dimensionless radius when cleaning front is first seen, [-] ax Distance to cleaning front on jet path, [m] A Area of the cleared region, [m 2 ] 55 c1 Lumped parameters, 1 = 10 o 2 3 2 , [m -3 ] c2 Parameter, Eq. [8], [-] c3 Parameter, Eq. [9], [m -3 ] dN Nozzle diameter, [m] E Efficiency factor, [m -1 ] 60 EU Prefactor efficiency, [m -1 ] k' Lumped cleaning rate constant, [m s kg -1 ] L Distance from nozzle to target, [m] ṁ Mass flow rate, [kg s -1 ] M Momentum flow per unit width, [kg s -2 ] 65 p Radial distance to cleaning front, [m] p* Dimensionless radial distance to cleaning front, [-] Q Flow rate leaving nozzle, [m 3 s -1 ] r Radial co-ordinate, [m] rb Boundary layer radius, [m] 70 ro Jet radius, o = 1 2 N [m] Re Reynolds number, defined Re = UodN/µ t Time, [s] ti Induction time, [s] Uo Jet velocity, [m s -1 ] 75 V Jet's traversal velocity, [m s -1 ] WeG Weber number gaseous, defined We = GUo 2 dN/γ WeL Weber number liquid, defined We = LUo 2 dN/γ 80 4 Greek Angle to direction of nozzle motion, [-] γ Surface tension, [N m -1 ] Density, [kg m -3 ] µ Dynamic viscosity, [Pa s] 85 σ Cleaning rate parameter, [m 2 s -1 ] Acronyms PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate RFZ Radial flow zone 90