It has been observed for palladium and gold nanoparticles that the magnetic moment at a constant applied field does not change with temperature over the range comprised between 5 and 300 K. These samples, with sizes smaller than 2.5 nm, exhibit remanent magnetization up to room temperature. The existence of permanent magnetism up to so high temperatures has been explained as due to the blocking of a local magnetic moment by giant magnetic anisotropies. In this Brief Report we show, by analyzing the anisotropy of thiol capped gold films, that the orbital momentum induced at the surface conduction electrons is crucial to understand the observed giant anisotropy. The orbital motion is driven by a localized charge and/or spin through spin-orbit interaction, which reaches extremely high values at the surfaces. The induced orbital moment gives rise to an effective field of the order of 10 3 T that is responsible for the giant anisotropy. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.052403 PACS number͑s͒: 75.30.Gw, 75.75.ϩa, 75.10.Ϫb Magnetism at nanoscale presents surprising experimental results. Gambardella et al. found that single Co atoms deposited onto Pt surfaces show a remarkable magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis perpendicular to the surface. 1 The corresponding anisotropy constant was estimated to be close to 10 meV per Co atom, larger than that corresponding to the harder magnetic material ͑2 meV per Co atom for SmCo 5 ͒. For 1.4 nm thiol capped gold nanoparticles ͑NPs͒ a permanent magnetism was detected up to room temperature 2,3 whereas a similar behavior had been previously reported for 2.4 nm palladium NPs. 4,5 For the case of gold the appearance of magnetism was completely amazing provided the diamagnetic character of bulk samples and the low value of its density of states at the Fermi level. However, more unexpected was that NPs with sizes smaller than 2.4 nm could exhibit blocked magnetism at 300 K. [2][3][4][5] Moreover, the thermal dependence of magnetization for Pd and Au NPs is very weak between 5 and 300 K. By assuming a first order kinetics for the relaxation of the magnetic moments and an attempted frequency factor equal to approximately 10 10 s −1 , the anisotropy constant for a particle 2 nm size with blocking temperature above 300 K should be at least of10 9 J m −3 that corresponds to approximately 0.4 eV per atom. That is indeed an enormous value compared not only to the normal values for the harder magnetic materials but also to the value reported in Ref. 1. Recently, Carmeli et al. 6,7 found that thiol capped gold surfaces exhibit a giant paramagnetism with 50 B ͑Bohr magnetons͒ per atom and an easy axis also perpendicular to the surface, i.e., along the z axis. In order to analyze the giant values of the anisotropy one can better use the results obtained for thiol capped gold films where the easy axis is uniform over the whole surface and the local anisotropy merges macroscopically.We have prepared Au films capped with Lewis conjugate onto glass substrates by a template-stripped gold method with atom...