-Using extensive particle-based simulations, we investigate out-of-equilibrium pattern dynamics in an oppositely driven binary particle system in two dimensions. A surprisingly rich dynamical behavior including lane formation, jamming, oscillation and turbulence-like dynamics is found. The ratio of two friction coefficients is a key parameter governing the stability of lane formation. When the friction coefficient transverse to the external force direction is sufficiently small compared to the longitudinal one, the lane structure becomes unstable to shear-induced disturbances, and the system eventually exhibits a dynamical transition into a novel turbulence-like phase characterized by random convective flows. We numerically construct an out-of-equilibrium phase diagram. Statistical analysis of complex spatio-temporal dynamics of the fully nonlinear turbulence-like phase suggests its apparent reminiscence to the swarming dynamics in certain active matter systems.Introduction. -Lane formation [1] is one of the representative examples of nonequilibrium phase transitions. When two kinds of particles are driven in opposite directions, the system exhibits a self-organization from a uniformly mixed state into strongly ordered anisotropic patterns. This driven segregation phenomenon, first found in the computer simulations [2][3][4][5][6][7][8], has been observed in laboratory experiments such as mixtures of oppositely charged colloids [9,10] or dusty plasmas in presence of an external electric field [11]. Another important class of examples is pedestrian and traffic flow dynamics [12][13][14][15]. By tracing single-particle motions in colloidal dispersions, a recent experiment has proposed the underlying mechanism of the lane formation as a dynamical "lock-in" state [10]. A lateral mobility of particles is initially enhanced by frequent collisions, which however decreases considerably once lane is formed. This microscopic dynamics leads to the trapping of particles within the lanes and thus growth of the lane structures. This is also consistent with a physical picture employed in the phenomenological dynamic densityfunctional theory [5].