We report the characterization of layered, 2H-type Cu x TaS 2 , for 0 †x †0.12. The charge density wave (CDW), at 70 K for TaS 2 , is destabilized with Cu doping. The sub-1K superconducting transition in undoped 2H-TaS 2 jumps quickly to 2.5 K at low x, increases to 4.5 K at the optimal composition Cu 0.04 TaS 2 , and then decreases at higher x. The electronic contribution to the specific heat, first increasing and then decreasing as a function of Cu content, is 12 mJ mol -1 K -2 at Cu 0.04 TaS 2 . Electron diffraction studies show that the CDW remains present at the optimal superconducting composition, but with both a changed q vector and decreased coherence length. We present an electronic phase diagram for the system.