We investigate boundary critical phenomena from a quantum information perspective. Bipartite entanglement in the ground state of one-dimensional quantum systems is quantified using the Rényi entropy Sα, which includes the von Neumann entropy (α → 1) and the single-copy entanglement (α → ∞) as special cases. We identify the contribution from the boundary entropy to the Rényi entropy, and show that there is an entanglement loss along boundary renormalization group (RG) flows. This property, which is intimately related to the Affleck-Ludwig g-theorem, can be regarded as a consequence of majorization relations between the spectra of the reduced density matrix along the boundary RG flows. We also point out that the bulk contribution to the single-copy entanglement is half of that to the von Neumann entropy, whereas the boundary contribution is the same. Recently much work has been done to understand entanglement in quantum many-body systems. In particular, the behavior of various entanglement measures at or near a quantum phase transition [1] has received a lot of attention [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. These entanglement measures include the von Neumann entropy and the single-copy entanglement, among others. The former is the most studied measure and quantifies entanglement in a bipartite system in the so-called asymptotic regime [10], whereas the latter was recently suggested to quantify the entanglement present in a single copy [9]. For a system in a pure state |ψ (e.g. the ground state) that is partitioned into two subsystems A and B, the von Neumann entropy is S 1 ≡ −Tr A ρ A log 2 ρ A where ρ A = Tr B |ψ ψ| is the reduced density matrix for A, and the single-copy entanglement is S ∞ ≡ − log 2 λ 1 , where λ 1 is the largest eigenvalue of ρ A .Studies of the von Neumann entropy for quantum spin chains [3,4,5,6,7,8] have revealed that its dependence on the size ℓ of the block A is very different for noncritical and critical systems. For the former, the von Neumann entropy increases logarithmically with ℓ until it saturates when ℓ becomes of order the correlation length ξ, while for the latter (having ξ = ∞) it diverges logarithmically with ℓ. Remarkably, the prefactor of the logarithmic term is universal and proportional to the central charge of the underlying conformal field theory (CFT) [6,11]. Furthermore, it has been shown numerically [12] that the entanglement loss along the (bulk) renormalization group (RG) flows, which is consistent with the CFT predictions for the von Neumann entropy [6,11] and with Zamolodchikov's c-theorem [13], can be given a more "fine-grained" characterization in terms of the majorization concept [14]. A theoretical analysis of majorization in these systems also appeared recently [15].Boundary critical phenomena [16] in one-dimensional (1D) quantum systems (equivalently, 2D classical systems) have attracted a lot of interest, especially in the context of boundary CFT. A closely related subject is the theory of boundary perturbations of certain conformally invariant theories, so-called integrable...