Photon statistics is one of the key properties of photon state for the study of quantum coherence and quantum information techniques. Here, we discussed the photon indistinguishability induced bunching effect which can significantly change photon statistics. Through the measurement of the second-order degree of coherence of a mixed photon state composed by a single-photon state and a weak coherent state, the statistical transition from a classical to nonclassical behavior was experimentally demonstrated by modifying the indistinguishability of the two photon states. The study will help to understand and control the photon statistics with a new manner. It also indicates that the photon indistinguishability is a key parameter for multi-partite quantum coherence.The photon statistics is a fundamental property of quantum optical field, which has been the basic of quantum coherence [1] and recently developed optical quantum information techniques [2][3][4][5]. It also has been well applied in quantum super-resolution microscopy [6,7] to achieve nanoscale resolution. Generally, the photon statistics is mainly determined by the number of the emitters and the process of the photon-matter interaction. For example, a single photon [8][9][10][11] can be generated from a single quantum emitter, which is a key photon source for quantum communication [12][13][14] and quantum computation [3,4]. Multi-photon state from nonlinear optical process has been applied to demonstrate quantum entanglement, quantum computation and high sensitivity quantum metrology [5,[15][16][17]. In experiment, the statistics of a photon state can be modified by postselection measurement [18], interaction with atoms [19][20][21] and interference with another photon state [22][23][24][25][26]. In the interference process, besides the phase modulation, the indistinguishability of photons is also a key parameter. In principle, the indistinguishability of photons will induce photon bunching and stimulated emission [25,26]. It has been the basic of multi-photon interference [27,28] for scalable optical quantum information techniques, lasers and stimulated emission depletion microscopy [29].Experimentally, the photon statistics can be evaluated with the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) interferometer [30] to get the second-order degree of coherence [1], g (2) (0). The values of g (2) (0) demonstrate different photon statistical behaviors. A coherent light source [1] with a Poissonian distribution of photon numbers has a g (2) (0) of 1. For a classical optical field, g (2) (0) ≥ 1. For example, a thermal state shows g (2) (0) = 2, demonstrating a photon bunching behavior. While, with a photon anti-bunching behavior, g (2) (0) < 1, it is a typical * quantum optical field, such as a perfect single-photon source with g (2) (0) = 0. For a nonclassical N -photon number state, g (2) (0) = (N − 1)/N < 1. However, it is much more complicated for a photon state composing of different photon number states where the photon indistinguishability induced bunchin...