In theory, large-scale atmospheric flows, soap-film flows and other two-dimensional flows may host two distinct types of turbulent energy spectra-in one, α, the spectral exponent of velocity fluctuations, equals 3 and the fluctuations are dissipated at the small scales, and in the other, α = 5/3 and the fluctuations are dissipated at the large scales-but measurements downstream of obstacles have invariably revealed α = 3. Here we report experiments on soap-film flows where downstream of obstacles there exists a sizable interval in which α has transitioned from 3 to 5/3 for the streamwise fluctuations but remains equal to 3 for the transverse fluctuations, as if two mutually independent turbulent fields of disparate dynamics were concurrently active within the flow. This species of turbulent energy spectra, which we term the Janus spectra, has never been observed or predicted theoretically. Our results may open up new vistas in the study of turbulence and geophysical flows.Turbulence sculpts clouds. By examining the everchanging patterns in rising cumulus clouds, L. F. Richardson postulated the concept of an energy cascade: the mean flow supplies turbulent kinetic energy to the large-scale fluctuations, or large eddies, which split to engender smaller eddies, which, in turn, engender even smaller eddies, and so forth [1]. This progressive spawning of smaller eddies cascades the energy from larger to smaller scales. The smallest eddies of the cascade dissipate the energy viscously.In 1941, A. N. Kolmogorov casted the energy cascade in a mathematical form [2]. In this celebrated theorythe phenomenological theory of turbulence-Kolmogorov introduced the notion of local isotropy. Physically, local isotropy is based on the idea that as larger eddies spawn smaller eddies, the smaller eddies progressively lose any sense of orientation. While the large eddies (of size L) are anisotropic, the small eddies (of size l L) are isotropic. Assuming local isotropy, Kolmogorov argued that the energy is transferred without dissipation for a range of small eddies, L l η, where η is the size of the smallest eddies that effect viscous dissipation. These are the eddies of the "inertial range." In the inertial range, the turbulent energy spectrum, E(k), takes a self-similar form,