The trajectory of NO X 2 ⌸ ⍀ϭ1/2,3/2 (vϭ0) produced after excitation of 2-chloro-2-nitrosopropane S 1 Ã 1 AЉ is studied by polarized 1ϩ1Ј resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization with time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection. The correlations among the NO velocity v, angular momentum j, and the S 1 Ã 1 AЉ←S 0 X 1 AЈ ͓n͑N͒,*͑NvO͔͒ transition dipole of the parent molecule are measured. The dissociation occurs by internal conversion to the ground S 0 state or intersystem crossing to the T 1 ã 3 AЉ state and the observed speed distribution of the NO fragments is bimodal. There is no evidence for -v-j correlations for the products associated with the slow component of the speed distribution. For the higher speed component, the v-j correlation is a function of the NO rotational state, j, and is described by the bipolar moment  0 0 ͑22͒. The average value of  0 0 ͑22͒ is Ϫ0.17͑Ϯ0.02͒ at jϷ11.5-22.5, more than five times larger than predicted by statistical phase space theory for dissociation on the S 0 X 1 AЈ surface, indicating a moderate preference for a perpendicular orientation of the NO rotational angular momentum and velocity vectors. The v and j vectors are nearly uncorrelated for low NO rotational states ͑jр6.5͒. The -v correlation described by the  0 2 ͑20͒ bipolar moment does not change with j and its average value is Ϫ0.04͑Ϯ0.01͒ at jϷ12. 5-19.5. The average value of the  0 2 ͑02͒ bipolar moment describing -j correlation is 0.04͑Ϯ0.02͒ at jϷ7.5-24.5. These results are consistent with a mechanism involving both impulsive force due to a barrier along the reaction coordinate on the T 1 ã 3 AЉ surface and forces resulting from the C-N-O bending and NO torsion about the C-N bond.