We consider the spike mass density profile in a dark halo by self-consistently solving the relativistic Bondi accretion of dark matter onto a non-spining black hole of mass M. We assume that the dominant component of the dark matter in the halo is a Standard model gauge-singlet scalar. Its mass m ≃ 10-5 eV and quartic self-coupling λ ≲ 1019 are constrained to be compatible with the properties of galactic dark halos. In the hydrodynamic limit, we find that the accretion rate is bounded from below, M
min = 96πG
3. Therefore, for M = 106
M⊙ we have M
min ≃ 1.41 × 10-9
⊙ yr-1, which is subdominant compared to the Eddington accretion of baryons. The spike density profile ρ
0(r) within the self-gravitating regime cannot be fitted well by a single-power law but a double-power one. Despite that, we can fit ρ
0(r) piecewise and find that ρ
0(r) ∝ r
-1.20 near the sound horizon, ρ
0(r) ∝ r
-1.00 towards the Bondi radius and ρ
0(r) ∝ r
-1.08 for the region in between. This contrasts with more cuspy ρ
0(r) ∝ r
-1.75 for dark matter with Coulomb-like self-interaction.