We revisit the multi-loop structure of the anomalous-dimension matrix governing the infrared divergences of massless n-particle scattering amplitudes in non-abelian gauge theories. In particular, we derive its most general form at four-loop order, significantly simplifying corresponding expressions given previously. By carefully reevaluating the constraints imposed by two-particle collinear limits, we find that at four-loop order color structures involving d abcd R , the symmetrized trace of four group generators, appear along with cusp logarithms ln[µ 2 /(−s ij )]. As a consequence, naive Casimir scaling of the cusp anomalous dimensions associated with the quark and gluon form factors is violated, while a generalized form of Casimir scaling still holds. Our results provide an important ingredient for resummations of large logarithms in n-jet cross sections with next-to-nextto-next-to leading logarithmic (N 3 LL) accuracy.