We investigate low-temperature dephasing in several model systems, where a quantum degree of freedom is coupled to a bath. Dephasing, defined as the decay of the coherence of inital nonequilibrium states, also influences the dynamics of equilibrium correlation and response functions, as well as static interference effects. In particular in the latter case dephasing should be distinguished from renormalization effects. For illustration, and because of its relevance for quantum state engineering in dissipative environments, we first reconsider dephasing in spin-boson models. Next we review Caldeira-Leggett models, with applications, e.g., to persistent currents in mesoscopic rings. Then, we analyze the more general problem of a particle which interacts with a quantum field V (t, r(t)), the fluctuations of which are characterized by a dielectric function ǫ(ω, k). Finally, we compare this model, both the formulation as well as the results, to the problem of interacting electrons in a diffusive conductor.