A multilevel adaptive refinement strategy for solving linear elliptic partial differential equations with random data is recalled in this work. The strategy extends the a posteriori error estimation framework introduced by Guignard & Nobile in 2018 (SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 56, 3121-3143) to cover problems with a nonaffine parametric coefficient dependence. A suboptimal, but nonetheless reliable and convenient implementation of the strategy involves approximation of the decoupled PDE problems with a common finite element approximation space. Computational results obtained using such a single-level strategy are presented in part I of this work (Bespalov, Silvester & Xu, arXiv:2109.07320). Results obtained using a potentially more efficient multilevel approximation strategy, where meshes are individually tailored, are discussed herein. The codes used to generate the numerical results are available online.