Differential pulse polarography was used for simultaneous determination of Sn 2+ and Pb 2+ . But there is a problem for simultaneous determination and it is high overlapped DPPs of mentioned cations that their determination is impossible in the presence of each other, so multivariate calibration methods as chemomatrics methods were used for this determination. There are some disadvantageous for multivariate calibration methods that can be solved by a new and simple method called net analyte signal standard addition method. This method has some advantages, such as: the use of a full voltammogram, realization in a single step, therefore it does not require calibration and prediction steps and only a few measurements are required for the determination.Keywords: Net analyte signal standard addition method; Simultaneous determination; Differential pulse polarography; Lead; Tin.
INTRODUCTIONThe impact of the effects of trace chemical species in the environmental and industrial samples on man's health has fostered development of analytical techniques and instrumentation capable of addressing these issues. 1,2 Different analytical methods were used for simultaneous determination of trace metals like atomic absorption spectrometry, 3,4 high performance liquid chromatography, 5 inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry 6 and neutron activation analysis 7 and electrochemical methods. 1,2 Between these methods, one of the reliable, accurate methods that gives qualitative and quantitative information of electroactive species in a sample as a well-known analytical tools with high sensivity and selectivity, coupled with convenience and economy are required. Differential pulse polarography (DPP) has been recognized as a powerful tool for multiel-ement trace metal detection. 2,8,9 In spite of it's high sensivity, this method drawback is the low selectivity. This problem is considerable when our purpose is simultaneous determination of metals and their oxidation and/or reduction potentials are close to each other so there are sever overlapped peaks. In these cases chemomatrics methods are used for analysis of voltamograms and polarograms.