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I. INTRODUCTIONFree-space optical (FSO) communication is well known for its advantages of license-free spectrum, high data-rate, low energy consumption, and inherent security, compared to radio frequency (RF) systems [1]. In near-ground FSO systems, one of the principal channel impairments is the atmospheric turbulence which induces intensity fluctuations at the receiver that can considerably degrade the system performance [2]. One solution for fading mitigation is aperture averaging [3]. However, when working at long link distances, the required collecting lens for efficient fading reduction becomes too large [4]. Under such conditions, spatial diversity is a more suitable solution [5]. In particular, significant fading reduction can be obtained through the use of multiple apertures at the receiver and multiple beams at the transmitter [6], [7]. For these multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, one important question is how to combine the informationbearing symbols at the transmitter in order to optimize the system performance, what is classically called space-time (ST) coding. This is an extensively-developed subject in RF systems. Here, we focus on the spatial multiplexing (SMux) scheme, where the information bearing signals are just multiplexed at the transmitter. The interest of SMux is that it has the maximum transmission rate. Our aim is to investigate the practical interest of this scheme by taking ...