Two forms of erythem a elevatum et diutinum have been described: (a) the type with elevated large papules especially on the ends of the extrem ities (e.g., the patients of Hutchinson [1], Haber [1] and Ketron [2]), and (b) the type with smaller and sometimes annularly arranged lesions especially on the extensor sides of the arms and the backs of the bands (e.g., the patient of Haber and Russell [3] and the female patient to be described in the following pages).The patient described by Friihivald [4] showed both the large papules on the articular ends and the fine-papulous type on the extensor side of the lower arms.
Case reportA female patient, born on December 30, 1913, was first seen by us on June 25, 1953.Past history and anamnesis: The skin affection began on the left arm and spread over the two arms, the neck, face and upper legs in a few months' time. The lesions were first red.