Recently we cloned two globin gene clusters from the genome of medaka (Oryzias latipes): one designated the embryonic globin gene cluster (E1; (5')alpha0(3')-(3')beta1(5')-(5')alpha1(3')-(5')beta2(3')-(5')alpha2(3')-(3')alpha3(5')-(5')beta3(3')-(3')beta4(5')-(5')alpha4(3')-(3')psialpha(5')-(5')psibeta(3')) and the other the adult globin gene cluster (A1; (3')ad.alpha1(5')-(5')ad.beta1(3')-(3')ad.alpha2(5')). The E1 and A1 clusters map to linkage groups 8 and 19, respectively. The genes beta1/alpha1, alpha3/beta3, beta4/alpha4, psialpha/psibeta and ad.alpha1/ad.beta1 are organized in head-to-head orientation with respect to transcriptional polarity. The genes alpha0, alpha1 and alpha2 are arranged in tandem with the same orientation. The results suggest that a variety of events occurred in globin gene evolution such as chromosomal translocation, duplication of alpha/beta-paired genes, tandem duplication of single alpha genes and the transformation of one pair of alpha/beta-paired genes into pseudogenes (psialpha/psibeta). Amino acid sequences predicted from the genes were compared with those of 42 alpha and 55 beta teleostean globins using the neighbor-joining or maximum likelihood methods. The phylogenetic trees that were generated classified the teleostean globins into at least four groups, tentatively named 'Embryonic Hb Group (I)', 'Notothenioid Major Adult Hb Group (II)', 'Anodic Adult Hb Group (III)' and 'Cathodic Adult Hb Group (IV)'. The medaka genes alpha0, beta1, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, beta3, beta4 and alpha4 belong to group I, and ad.alpha1 and ad.beta1 to group II. Further analysis suggests that psialpha/psibeta and beta2/ad.alpha2 belong to groups III and IV, respectively. Thus, globin genes in the medaka probably were diversified from four ancestral genes, one for each group. On the basis of the gene comparisons, we present a hypothetical pathway for globin gene evolution in the medaka.