Bhela samhita is an ancient Indian textbook of medicine composed by Maharshi Bhela. Indriya sthana is one among the eight sections of Bhela samhita, and it consists of 12 chapters deals with prognostic aspects. Pushpeeyam adhyaya is the 11th chapter of Bhela indriya sthana which consists of 20 verses. Previous works have explored the prognostic potential of various chapters of Bhela indriya sthana. No studies have been conducted on “Pushpeeyam adhyaya” till date. The present study aims to explore the contents of “Pushpeeyam adhyaya” with the help of contemporary medical literature and principles of Freud's interpretation of dreams. Various databases have been searched to identify suitable studies (published in English language) by using appropriate key words. Various conditions such as visual perceptual distortions (erythropsia, photopsia, hyperchromatopsia, achromatopsia, metamorphopsia, etc.), Charles Bonnet syndrome, Anton-Babinski syndrome, retinal and vitreous detachments, end-of-life dreams and visions, hypnagogic visual hallucinations with sleep bruxism, temporal lobe epilepsy, occipital lobe seizures, pilomotor seizures, and psychiatric or neuropsychiatric conditions are documented in “Pushpeeyam adhyaya.” Various dreams such as bad, inauspicious, neutral, wish fulfilling, nightmares, day dreams, lucid dreams, bizarre or absurd dreams and dreams having animal figures, and colors along with their consequences (either death or survival) are documented in “Pushypeeyam adhyaya.” Analysis of dreams with the help of “Freud's interpretation of dreams” principles has revealed that the dreams documented in “Pushpeeyam adhyaya” seems to be rationale. Prognostic estimation based on odors emitted by patients (pushpeeyam) and analyzing dreams (swapna vignaana) of patients are having paramount importance (due to their cost-effectiveness, noninvasiveness, and feasibility) in resource-poor settings. Various hypotheses generated by the present work may pave the way for future research studies.