This paper presents the new architecture of the satellite simulator software for the third China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-3). This architecture is flexible and scalable to comply with the new challenge imposed of making software reusable to reduce cost. The article discusses previous solutions adopted at INPE since the 90's. Advantages and disadvantages of past simulator solutions are summarized, from simple satellites, like the Brazilian data collection SCD's, up to the more complex earth resources observation satellites (CBERSs). The experience of purchasing a COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) product to accelerate the simulator development for scientific satellites is also reported. The new simulator architecture, for CBERS3, is intended to serve as a framework also for the development of the scientific satellite simulators. Furthermore, the simulator development is to comply with INPE's policy of improving and giving priority to the national space software industry. To achieve this, the architecture includes a common, reusable, real time command monitoring core software, which is based on software engineering concepts of objectoriented modeling and design patterns.