“…Having established that IF3 contains two separate ribosomal binding sites (one in each of its domains) and having just described their molecular facets, for a better understanding of how IF3 might work, we think it relevant to suggest a plausible orientation of this molecule on the 30S ribosomal subunits+ Thus, the sites of the 16S rRNA molecule that have been found to be relevant for the interaction with IF3 have been highlighted with different colors (Fig+ 6) in the recently released 3D model of the 30S ribosomal subunit based on electron-microscopy reconstructions (Mueller & Brimacombe, 1997)+ The main binding site of IF3 on the 30S subunit contains the bulged stem-loop 674-713 (helix 23) and the 783-799 stem-loop (helix 24)+ In fact, a G-to-A transition at position 791 (purple) increases tenfold the dissociation rate constant of the IF3-30S complex (Tapprich et al+, 1989) and modification of the 16S rRNA by the guanosine-specific reagent kethoxal inhibits IF3 binding (Pon & Gualerzi, 1974), whereas G-700, G-703 (yellow), and G-791 (purple) are specifically protected from reaction with this reagent by IF3 (Moazed et al+, 1995)+ Furthermore, two rRNA regions (both white), the main one (819-859, corresponding to helices 25 and 26) within the central domain and the minor one (1506-1529, corresponding to helix 45) in the 39-end region of the 16S, have been crosslinked to IF3 (Ehresmann et al+, 1986)+ In agreement with these data is the recent finding that an inversion of the sequence (G-A to A-G) at positions 1530/ 1531 (at the edge of helix 45) results in a tenfold decrease in the affinity of IF3 for the 30S subunit (Firpo et al+, 1996)+ Moreover, this model is consistent with the finding that all 16S rRNA sites, which become hypersensitive or hyperexposed in the presence of IF3 to chemical or enzymatic probes such as RNase V1 (red), DMS (green), and kethoxal (turquoise; Muralikrishna & Wickstrom, 1989;Moazed et al+, 1995), are found at the edge or outside the IF3 binding site, confirming the conformational nature of the change leading to the hypersensitivity+ If docking of IF3 to the ribosomal subunit is done with the assumption that the primary rRNA binding site of the C-domain is in contact with the main rRNA sites crosslinked to and/or affected by IF3, which are clustered in the central area of the subunit, the emerging picture is that of a molecule that is implanted through extensive RNA-protein interactions in the central part of the ribosomal particle and reaches the upper margin of the side lobe (platform) where its N-domain touches helix 45 (i+e+, the last 39 terminal helix of 16S rRNA)+ IF3 is known to act as a fidelity factor that determines the kinetic discrimination against spurious 30S initiation complexes by forcing the dissociation of the noncanonical codon-anticodon interactions at the ribosomal P-site (Gualerzi et al+, 1971;Risuleo et al+, 1976;Hartz et al+, 1989)+ Theoretically, IF3 could accomplish this function by a direct inspection of the codon-anticodon interaction and/or the anticodon stem-loop of initiator tRNA (Hartz et al+ 1990) or affecting the conformation of the 30S ribosomal subunits …”