This is to certify that the thesis titled "Environmental concern, regulations and board diversity" has been authored by me. It presents the research conducted by me under the supervision of Prof. Dimitrios Gounopoulos and Prof. David Newton.The second study of this thesis (Chapter 3) is a joint work with Dr. Rosie Cao while the third study (Chapter 4) is a joint work with Mr. Tam Nguyen. In all three studies, I perform the standard role of a PhD student by initiating the research projects, cleaning data, conducting empirical analyses, and writing the first complete draft of the working paper for each essay. Inputs from my colleagues are acknowledged in terms of proofreading, giving comments and feedback, improving subsequent versions of the working papers for aforementioned studies. All in all, it is a great experience to work with them.To the best of my knowledge, it is an original work, both in terms of research content and narrative, and has not been submitted elsewhere, in part or in full, for a degree. Further, due credit has been attributed to the relevant state-of-the-art and collaborations with appropriate citations and acknowledgments, in line with established norms and practices.